Qualitative investigation of the performance of a strucutural membrane roof project

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Publicada em 16/10/2012

Discente: Eliana Ferreira Nunes


This paper provides a qualitative investigation about the structural performance of the membranes, surface structures (with double curvature in opposite directions) with minimum thickness and weight, which absorb forces in form of tensile stresses in its own plane, considering two aspects: structural and design procedure. Initially, it involved the analyses of lightweight structure buildings and the observation of constructive work process in membrane roofs. These investigations allowed identifying strategies that contribute to achieve optimum system performance and the challenges encountered along the stages of designing and building. They also guided the qualitative analysis of the performance of a structural membrane roofing project, i.e., a particular situation, as example. This qualitative analysis was developed in two stages, guided by experimental and numerical data. The first stage involved the optimization procedure of the structural system under load action. This analysis showed that the flexible system performance is resulted of the three-dimensional stability of the structural system (arrangement and geometry of all components), membrane surface stiffness (membrane geometry), as well as the cooperation of all components in pre-tension state. The second stage comprised the experimental investigation of the membrane material behaviour within the structure context in order to analyze the flattened membrane geometry. Such evaluation enabled to verify the difference between the theoretical model (shape of equilibrium) and the actual shape (consisting of flat panels), enabling the proper adjustment of the surface geometry so that the final shape can reveal not only the path of the forces, but also the best use of the material. The investigations, analyzes and working procedure here adopted broadened the understanding of this system pointing possibilities to increase its performance and to minimize failures during the preliminary stage of design. Keywords: structural membranes, performance strategies, membrane material, optimization process, membrane material testing.

Áreas de Concentração:

- Doutorado: Estruturas e Construção


- Arlene Maria Cunha Sarmanho
- João Batista Marques de Sousa Jr.

Banca Examinadora:

Prof. João Batista Marques de Sousa Jr. - UFOP (Orientador)
Profa. Arlene Maria Sarmanho Freitas - UFOP (Orientadora)
Prof. Bernd Baier - U. Duisburg-Essen (Orientador)
Prof. Luiz Fernando Loureiro Ribeiro - UFOP
Prof. Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti - USP
Prof. Athail Rangel Pulino Filho - UNB
